Take action

"Instead of apathy and resignation, I have chosen action and hope."

-Galia Golan, Israeli CfP Activist

Our Values

As a movement, we value Honorable Stewardship, Sacred Belong, Radical Intimacy, Love and Hope through Action, Collective Liberation, and Unity without Uniformity (to learn more about these values, click here). 

As a diverse community of activists working across borders and from distinct societies, we value the practices of curiosity, compassion, learning from each other, mutual respect, and welcome. While we may not agree upon everything, we agree upon the most important things that guide our work: 

  • A non-negotiable commitment to the practices of nonviolence and nonviolent co-resistance

  • Advancing an end to the occupation 

  • Protecting human rights

  • Acknowledging the rights of both Palestinians and Israelis to be self-determined and to live in dignity, safety, and liberty in their homeland

  • Peace that is rooted in justice and justice that is rooted in love

  • A mutually agreed upon political solution to end the occupation, informed by Palestinians and Israelis