Strategic Goals & Objectives of CFP

Goal 1:

Build an ever-expanding Palestinian Israeli joint community engaged in collective acts of nonviolent resistance and transformation.

Academic Researcher Erica Chenoweth, PhD, has documented what is required to create comprehensive, revolutionary systems change in societal conflicts. Chenoweth's research shows that when citizens rise up nonviolently, it only takes engaging 3.5% of the population to bring about change and ensure profound structural, even revolutionary shifts. CfP builds the momentum and infrastructure necessary to reach this 3.5%. Each year, we move closer to this goal as we recruit and engage new members and support our partners to do the same.

To date, CFP has engaged over 33,000 Israelis and Palestinians in transformation or nonviolent resistance. We will increase this by 10,000 participants over the next 3 years.

Goal 2:

Raise up the next generation of nonviolent activist leaders.

The change we seek in our land will take time and it may not be realized in this generation. Yet we believe in the dream of a peaceful and just homeland where all people live in freedom and security. CfP equips and empowers the next generation of nonviolent Israeli and Palestinian leaders who are capable of carrying on the dream and making it a reality. Each year we:

• Train and equip 65 Palestinian and Israeli nonviolent activist leaders through our Freedom Schools and engage 85% of program graduates in our Alumni Leadership group.

• Empower at least 20 young adults in our Israeli Youth Program to initiate and lead solidarity actions in the West Bank.

Goal 3:

Work in solidarity with Palestinians to remain on their lands.

As we work to end the occupation, it is vital that we co-resist and disrupt one of the occupation's most brutal strategies making life so unlivable for Palestinians in the West Bank that they are forced to flee their homes and land. As a joint movement of Israelis and Palestinians, we are guided by our Palestinian members to take solidarity actions for co-resistance and human rights support. Each year we:

• Engage in regular solidarity actions to support at least five Palestinian villages in the West Bank to remain steadfast on their lands.

Goal 4:

Embody and be a visible model of a vibrant, hands-on joint community that works in solidarity across borders.

For those of us living in Israel and Palestine, we are raised to believe that there is no partner on "the other side" and that "the other" does not want peace. This belief fuels the fear and hopelessness that spread violence, separateness, and disparity in our land. At CfP, we have the unique experience of how "the other" can be a beloved and vital partner for peace. As such, we act as a joint community and provide our societies with a new truth with which to raise their children: there is a partner on "the other side," and we are committed to actualizing peace and justice together. While all CfP's work is joint, our greatest vehicle for sharing the possibility and power of joint community is our annual Joint Memorial Day Ceremony in Israel and Joint Nakba Remembrance Day Ceremony in Palestine. Each year we:

• Engage 15,000 Israelis and Palestinians and 200,000 international participants in our Joint Memorial Day Ceremony.

• Engage 300 Palestinians and Israelis and 3,000 international participants in our Joint Nakba Remembrance Day Ceremony.

Goal 5:

Raise local and international awareness of life under military occupation to change attitudes and actions on a wide scale within the Israeli, Palestinian, and international public, and within governments.

For many Israelis, systemic segregation and disinformation can make the realities faced by Palestinians invisible or distorted - often leading to the dehumanization of Palestinians. For many Palestinians, systemic segregation also results in limited experiences with Israelis who are not in uniform or committing violence - making it challenging to humanize the occupying “other.” It can be difficult for most Israelis to discern how the occupation that they enforce is causing them harm. While acknowledging the vast asymmetry of power, our joint movement knows firsthand how the occupation traumatizes, harms, and threatens all people. We share our experiences, wisdom, and joint work to guide the public on a path toward a free and just future for all. Each year we:

• Accomplish at least 2 local and international awareness campaigns that highlight the realities of life under the occupation.

• Meet with the diplomatic offices of at least 6 countries, where we share our testimonies and work.

• Organize at least 4 joint protests in Israel and Palestine.

•Participate in and lead the anti-occupation bloc in the Israeli protest movement every week.

• Organize 4 quarterly regional groups for Israelis and Palestinians to strategize and deepen partnerships and relationships.

• Co-lead at least 6 international education programs with our American fiscal sponsor.

• Participate in at least 30 international summits and speaking engagements with partners.

• Lead at least 5 tours for global supporters in Israel and Palestine and generate regular PR in mainstream media outlets.