Our Position on
Current Events

1. We support blocking offensive weapons sales to Israel to protect civilian lives. The U.S. government must stop funding, arming, and supporting attacks on Palestinian civilians.

2. We call for a permanent ceasefire and hostage deal both for the release of Israeli hostages and for the release of Palestinians arbitrarily detained in Israeli military prisons, many of whom are minors.

3. We support urgent humanitarian aid to Gaza. We are witnessing a humanitarian disaster in Gaza—with children and families starving and a severe lack of medicine, food, and water. Continuation of UNRWA funding is imperative to address the humanitarian catastrophe.

4. We call for the expansion of sanctions on violent settlers in the West Bank and their enablers.

5. We advocate for U.S. policy that recognizes a Palestinian state.

6. We call for a political rather than military solution and raise our voices for a just peace - a future in which all Palestinians and Israelis can live in safety, dignity, and freedom.

In alignment with CfP’s values and messaging, organize a silent vigil, nonviolent street protest, or walk-out. Download CfP signs below that you can print and distribute. Please email us at office@afcfp.org to let us know about your solidarity action. We would love to see photos and share with our community.

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