Sponsorship Opportunities for Organizations
We are inviting you to be pillars of this event.
We would be honored and grateful if your organization would consider becoming a Joint Memorial Day Ceremony sponsor. This year the Joint Memorial Day Ceremony will be held on May 12, 2024. You can join the live stream from wherever you are in the world (8:30pm Jerusalem | 6:30pm London | 1:30pm New York | 10:30am Los Angeles).
Promotional Sponsors:
Your institution can be a Promotional Sponsor for the Ceremony. Promotional Sponsors share the event with their networks and will be highlighted on the Ceremony’s landing page, where thousands of people will see their involvement. The most important thing for Promotional Sponsors is that they use their networks to promote the event as widely as possible. Please note that there is no fee to be a Promotional Sponsor.
Fiscal Sponsors:
We ask all Fiscal Sponsors to promote and advertise the Memorial as widely as possible through their organization’s network. Fiscal Sponsors also commit funds to support the Ceremony.
Fiscal Sponsorship has six main levels:
All sponsors will be formally recognized and listed by name on the Ceremony’s landing page where thousands of participants will watch the event. Fiscal Sponsors will also be listed in the credits of the Ceremony, where hundreds of thousands of people will see your organization listed by name. All sponsorship donations are tax-deductible. If you would like your organization to be a sponsor, please click the “Become a Memorial Sponsor” button.